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Spotlight on Occupational Therapist Madison Jensen

by Dr. Vanessa Hoff, PT | Clinic Manager

A member of the RehabVisions team since 2021, Dr. Madison Jensen, OT works with patients of all ages. After graduating from North Dakota State University with a bachelor’s degree in biology, Madison became part of the first graduating class of the occupational therapy doctoral program at University of Mary in Bismarck.

Madison Jenson Occupational Therapist

Dr. Madison Jensen, OT

How did you become interested in occupational therapy?

Growing up with a deep affinity for people and animals, I knew I always wanted to help others. But it wasn’t until sophomore year of college I realized a career in healthcare would best accomplish my goals. After researching and shadowing occupational therapists, I found myself falling in love with the profession. There were many therapy settings where I could practice and know I could be valuable.

What kind of person would benefit from occupational therapy?

People of all ages can benefit from occupational therapy. Occupations, in this sense, are the things we all do every day that occupy our time. People who have difficulty performing their daily tasks because of physical or mental/psychological limitations will find that occupational therapy can help them live their best possible lives.

Tell us what you enjoy most about being a therapist.

My favorite part is helping my patients return to activities that they’ve stopped doing because of pain, injury or other issues. After a few weeks of therapy, I’ve had patients return to doing things they love, such as playing guitar, knitting, sewing and even making model cars. These are always the best experiences for me.

What’s the most challenging part of your work?

The most challenging part of my work is wanting to help a patient more than we are physically able to do. I want the best for all my patients. Since 100 percent recovery is not always possible, I work closely with them to determine different strategies and modifications we can make so they can still do the things they want, need or love to do.

What is a typical day like for you?

My day usually involves seeing a pretty equal mix of pediatric and adult patients.

Most of my pediatric patients have a developmental disability, sensory processing disorder or difficulty with emotional regulation. My sessions include working on fine-motor, visual-motor, play and social skills, as well as sensory integration and emotional regulation.

My adult patients are typically recovering from surgery or injuries affecting their upper extremities — the area from the shoulder down to the hand. I also see patients for lymphedema treatment of the lower extremities as well. My sessions focus on improving strength, range of motion, fine-motor function, activity tolerance and overall functional use of the upper extremities to promote return to all daily tasks and routines.

In addition to seeing patients, I also take time during the day to touch base and collaborate with other members of RehabVisions’ therapy team, including our physical and speech therapists, as many of our pediatric patients are seen by multiple therapists.

After a long work week, how do you like to relax or spend your free time?

I like to spend my free time hanging out with my dog and visiting family.

What is one thing about you that would surprise people to know?

My dream is to one day own a hobby farm that I can utilize in my therapy practice. The interconnection of land, weather, seasons and daily responsibilities combined with my love for people and animals is my inspiration.

What do you wake up looking forward to?

I wake up every day looking forward to learning something new.


In addition to working with patients of all ages, Dr. Madison Jensen, OT is a certified provider of LSVT BIG training for Parkinson’s patients, holds certification in Lymphedema therapy and is skilled in the treatment of upper extremity orthopedic conditions and hand therapy.

To schedule an evaluation with Madison, call 701-483-9400.


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